Become a Sponsor
Help us make 2025 beautiful!
There are many opportunities available to become a sponsor. Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated, and helps us allocate funds toward important elements of the National.
Thank you to all who have donated to our Specialty! We couldn't do this without you!
Silent Auction
It’s time to start gathering up new and gently used items to donate to the 2025 Specialty Silent Auction/Live Auction. Flat-Coat related items are a big hit!
If you will be attending the specialty, you can bring your items with you to turn in at the silent auction table, which will be at Metra Park. If you are not able to attend the specialty, feel free to mail your items to:
Jill Gibbs
2111 Lyndale Lane
Billings, MT 59102.
Regional Club and State Baskets: Get together with other people in your region/ state and put together a basket full of goodies that represent your region/state. You can then put the basket together once you get to the specialty. Be creative!!
The silent auction will open mid-afternoon on Tuesday, June 10th and conclude mid-afternoon on June 12th .
There will be special LIVE auctions throughout the days on June 11th, 12th, and 13th, and perhaps even at the annual meeting and awards banquet too! If you would like to donate something for the live auctions, please let us know so that we can plan the time for it.
If you have any questions about items that you want to donate, feel free to contact Auction Chair, Cindy Zelbst at or text/call Cindy at 580-585-2906.
Event Chairs
A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who is working to make our 2025 National Specialty come to fruition!
Specialty Chairs:
Heather Dawson
Diana Martin-Gruenler
Catalog Ads:
Mallori Seifert
805.952.3015 (text preferred)
Lisa Dillahunt
Ed & Candy Ferner
Needs Filled
Kathy Poole-Price
Jessica Montgomery
Judge's Gifts:
Adora Lanphere
Ava Hata
Mackenzie Moore
Name Tags:
Kathy Poole-Price
Jessica Montgomery
On-Site Social Media:
Cheryl Kistner
Kathy Poole-Price
Ring of Honor:
Dawn Buttion
Judy Gladson
RV Reservations:
Monica Stephens
Scent Work:
Aleks Woodroffe
Josie Le Balch
Monica Stephens
Volunteer Coordinator:
Elizabeth Mound
Sherin Denny-Jenkins
Heather Dawson
Diana Martin-Gruenler (Needs Filled)
Lisa Dillahunt
Health Clinics:
Janet Harrington
Judge's Education:
Maria White
Kurt Anderson
Cathy Fugere
Janice Anthes
Nina Sage & Crew
Reserved Grooming:
Dawn Buttion
Christine Teneralli
Sapphire Award (3Q):
Morganne Morrison
Scurry (Field):
Marcella Winslow
Josie Le Balch
Silent Auction:
Cindy Zelbst
Sarah Brown
Web Master/Logo:
Mallori Seifert
Volunteer Signup
Many hands make light work!
Use the link below to sign up to help with activities during the National.
Catalog Ads
Showcase your kennel, advertise a show, show off your win from last year's national, or just wish everyone luck at this year's national!
Catalog ads are varying prices based on color or black and white, and how many photos. Please see the store page for pricing information. Ad may be paid for on the store page, or by clicking the button below.
Ad specifications may be viewed/downloaded by clicking the "Ad Specs" button below. To submit completed Ads, click the "Add File" button below. Once you have selected your ad file, click the "Submit" button and wait for the successful submission message.
Deadline for Ad submission is April 30, 2025.
Late submissions will not be accepted. Ads must be in PDF format and print ready.
We are not responsible for proofing your ad!
Make sure all spelling or dates are correct before submitting your document.
Ad design is available for a fee - contact Mallori Seifert at
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